Weeping Conifers | A Hot Plant For Cold Climates

Weeping Conifers! You either love them or hate them!
In fact, here are a couple of back-to-back comments on my most recent video highlighting some favorite weeping conifers:
- “I’m sorry but no. They look miserable and unhealthy hanging like depressed people ☹️.”
- “Awesome video, so many of my favourites!”
So what’s the best word to describe them then…..I think it is captivating. Here's the photo gallery of many of the varieties covered in the video:

Gold Drift Norway Spruce - Picea abies ‘Gold Drift’ (Zone 3) | Weeping Norway Spruce - Picea abies ‘Pendula’ (Zone 2) | Red Cone Norway Spruce - Picea abies ‘Acrocona’ (Zone 3)
Thanks to their branches, which naturally droop downward, weeping conifers create a cascading effect that resembles a waterfall.

Bush Lace Engelmann Spruce - Picea engelmannii (Zone 3) | Weeping White Spruce - Picea glauca ‘Pendula’ (Zone 2) | Weeping Colorado Blue Spruce - Picea pungens var. glauca ‘Pendula (Zone 2)
Weeping conifers can be trained to grow in various shapes, from narrow upright columns to ground-covering mats, making them exciting additions to any garden.

Weeping Blue Spruce - Picea pungens ‘Glauca Pendula’ (Zone 2) | Gotelli Weeping Serbian Spruce - Picea omorika ‘Gotelli Weeping’ (Zone 4) | Bruns Weeping Serbian Spruce - Picea omorika ‘Pendula Bruns’ (Zone 4)
Many weeping conifer cultivars are smaller than their non-weeping parent plants, making them ideal for smaller spaces. Their distinctive appearance can significantly enhance the character of a landscape, especially when planted in groups or as a focal point, making them visually striking and perfect for all gardens.

Tolleson’s Blue Weeping Rocky Mountain Juniper - Juniperus scopulorum ‘Tolleson’s Blue Weeping’ (Zone 3) | Weeping Needle Juniper - Juniperus rigida ‘Pendula’ (Zone 4) | Niagra Falls Eastern White Pine - Pinus strobus ‘Niagra Falls’ (Zone 3)

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There are so many vibrant color options available that it becomes hard to choose once you fall in love with them. From silvery blue to shades of gold or plum, many have multiple colors on the same needle.

Angel Falls Eastern White Pine - Pinus strobus ‘Angel Falls’ (Zone 3) | European Weeping Larch - Larix decidua ‘Pendula’ (Zone 2) | Varied Directions European Larch - Larix decidua ‘Varied Directions’ (Zone 2)
Conifers are gaining attention in cold climates thanks to their wide range of unexpected and unique coloring and hardiness ratings in Zone 2 and 3 for many varieties. And don't be afraid to grow your favorites in containers like the Russian Cypress shown below! Here's a video that shows how I overwinter my unique container grown varieties.

Quebec Weeping Cedar - Thuja Occidental’s ‘Quebec weeping’ (Zone 3) | Aurea Pendula Sawara False Cypress - Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Aurea Pendula’ (Zone 5) | Russian Cypress - Microbiota decussata (Zone 3)
Which one did you fall in love with?😊 (Or did you hate them all ☹️)
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