Weeping Conifers | A Hot Plant For Cold Climates Weeping Conifers! You either love them or hate them! In fact, here are a couple of back-to-back comments on my most recent video highlighting some favorite weeping conifers: * “I’m sorry but no. They look miserable and unhealthy hanging like depressed people ☹️.” * “Awesome video, so many of my favourites!” So
Flowering Crabapples One of the things I most look forward to in the spring is the beautiful blooms on the flowering crabapple trees. Even though the flowers are relatively short-lived, between 10-14 days, the various varieties will bloom at different times, giving us a 4-5 week period for enjoyment. The trees'
Back Yard Orchard | What To Expect When Growing Apple Trees I'm not a big fan of apples sold in grocery stores. I find the taste average or poor compared to an apple picked fresh off a tree. I suppose that's true with most food one grows themselves. Even one apple tree can provide more apples than
Icee Blue Juniper | Rags To Riches Last fall, while doing some rejuvenation pruning on a group of overgrown Golden Ninebark shrubs, I encountered girdling damage on an Icee Blue Juniper. I initially thought it was minimal and removed a small cluster of stems that would surely be dead from the damaged tissue next spring. The following
Pruning Up Lower Branches On Trees We get used to those lower-hanging branches on trees. But once they’re pruned off, you’ll enjoy how it changes the look and effect of your gardens. This video covers numerous examples of the process. Thank goodness for my wife’s organizational skills! Here is a photo of my
Hosta | Some Great Varieties When it comes to the Hosta, where do you start? There are so many varieties to pick from. I had a lot of fun putting this video and blog post together. I didn't realize how much I liked Hostas! The Hosta genus has hundreds of different leaf sizes,
Upright Sedum (Stonecrop) | My Collection The Sedum group is commonly referred to as Stonecrop. Perhaps they get that common name because they're so widely planted in stone or rock gardens due to their tolerance of dry, warm - even hot - planting locations. Here's a look at my collection: Conga Line
Dwarf Korean Lilac | Tree Form The Dwarf Korean Lilac, Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' is one of the smaller lilac varieties, but it can still achieve heights and widths of 6-8 feet (or more). So, all too often, it is planted in locations too small for its eventual size. Luckily, pruning makes this small tree
Shaping Pines, Spruce, And Junipers I was never a big fan of evergreen conifers shaped into different balls and spirals. But I must admit, the Bonsai look has grown on me, and I'm starting to like how they can be used in a natural landscape bed as a contrast. Bonsai, a Japanese term
Colorado Spruce | Our Collection May got away from me because of how busy spring can be with all the chores and work to get done, so I need to catch up on posting. If you are a subscriber, thank you! More regular posting is back on the radar as the “to-do list” gets shorter.
Fresh Mulch And A Plant Tour What a difference fresh mulch makes in the spring. Besides watching the grass green up and trees budding out, adding fresh mulch to my ornamental garden beds is always a favorite. The uniform bright golden color makes the landscape look brand new! The video here shows the mulching process on
Flowering Annuals In The Landscape Nothing compares to flowering annuals’ burst of color in our landscapes. They are the perfect complement in garden beds with trees and shrubs. This video highlights many different flower combinations used in containers, how we get started early and avoid freezing weather, and tips on filling those heavy ceramic pots
Holmstrup Arborvitae | One Of My Favorite Plants Who am I kidding? If it's a tree or shrub, it's one of my favorites 😊. Holmstrup Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis ‘Holmstrup’, Zone 3-8 I love Arborvitaes, and the Holmstrup variety is one of the best. You'll also see it referred to as Holmstrup Eastern Arborvitae.
Landscape Bed Spring Cleanup And A Variety Tour The video included here provides an overview of our oldest landscape bed, including spring cleanup chores, tree & shrub pruning, and a look at several Dakota Pinnacle Birch trees removed and replacements. I encourage you to watch the video, but I have also included many photographs below that were used
A Day At The Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Arizona Each time I'm able to visit the desert, I like it more. In fact, I'm starting to love what the desert offers. I'm a northern Great Plains guy and never thought I would be this excited about the desert ecosystem, and all the great
Is Cardinal Dogwood Top Dog? Cardinal Dogwood, Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’, Zone 2-8 8-10’ H x 6-8’ W It’s always hard to narrow down which plants are my favorites. But I do think Cardinal Dogwood is my top dog! It is one of the first plants I learned about in college when I began taking
Miss Kim Lilac | Thinning By Pruning | Qualities To Admire Pruning by thinning is considered the least invigorating type of pruning but is the best at maintaining the natural form of a plant while keeping its size in check. Watch as Kevin prunes a mature Miss Kim Lilac and how it compares to rejuvenation pruning on a Bloomerang Lilac and
Converting A Grass Area Into A Gardener's Playground I recently helped a customer who was tired of mowing an area create a new garden bed. They had plans to pour a new concrete driveway and decided it would be an excellent time to start over with an area mostly grass and create a new bed of interest with
An Early Spring | Time To Get Busy After a long winter, there are perennials to cut back, shrubs to prune, and plants to examine as we prep our landscape bed for spring. This landscape bed video tour looks at a wide variety of shrub, tree, and perennial varieties. It's always nice to get an early
Trees Always Keep Giving | Interesting Branching, Trunks, Bark, Art The video here shows over a dozen tree varieties with interesting bark and branching habits and how you can use old dead branches as garden art. Below is an expanded discussion on four varieties covered in the video. Cottonwood, Populus deltoides, Zone 2 Cottonwood trees are some of the largest
A Narrow Landscape Bed Including Metal Garden Art and Unique Plants Adding metal garden art alongside unique plants in this landscape bed makes this one of the most exciting areas in our landscape. This narrow rock bed is approximately 3’ x 50’ long and branches off from a larger landscape bed close to my deck. Due to a septic system drain
Landscaping Ideas | Plants, Pathway, Rustic Containers This landscape bed came about due to a drainage problem I was having. It was a low point where water was collecting, but I could not change the grade due to several irrigation valves buried in the area. So, I did the next best thing. I built up the area
Renew Your Shrubs With Rejuvenation Pruning Turn your overgrown shrubs into ones that look brand new. I've rejuvenated hundreds of shrubs over the last thirty years. And the best way to refresh your shrubs for that brand-new look is through this pruning process. Rejuvenation pruning is a process where you remove at least half
Landscape Redo | Starting From Scratch Starting from scratch on a landscaping project is sometimes a good thing. You can dramatically increase your home's curb appeal, and it presents the opportunity to evaluate and correct potential drainage problems. With all the decisions you must make, it can be overwhelming for many homeowners. Visual imaging
Swiss Stone Pine | Hardy, Adaptable, Compact Swiss stone pine is a coniferous tree native to the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. They have a slower growth rate, and many compact varieties are available, making them an excellent choice for smaller landscapes where small evergreen trees are desired. While tolerant of many different types of soils